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Coba Evaluators evaluate the performance of Learners in Environments. They have the following interface.

class Evaluator:
    def evaluate(self, environment: Environment, learner: Learner) -> Iterable[dict]

Environments and Learners are described in more detail in Environments.ipynb and Learners.ipynb. In this notebook we…

  • …show how to create your own custom evaluators

  • …describe the Evaluators provided by Coba out-of-the-box

Custom Evaluator

Any class that conforms to the evaluator interface above can be used as an Evalutor in an Experiment. For example,

class MyEvaluator:
    def evaluate(self, environment, learner):
        yield {'a':1, 'b':2}
        yield {'a':2, 'b':3}

We can then pass our custom Evaluator to Experiment in order to generate results.

import coba as cb

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(100)
lrn = cb.RandomLearner()
val = MyEvaluator()

result = cb.Experiment(env,lrn,val).run()
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Experiment Started
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Recording Learner 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Recording Evaluator 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Peeking at Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Recording Environment 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Evaluating Learner 0 on Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-02 14:37:33 -- Experiment Finished

When we look at the result.evaluators we can see that MyEvaluator was used.

evaluator_id eval_type
0 0 MyEvaluator

We can also see that the return values from MyEvaluator were stored in result.interactions.

environment_id learner_id evaluator_id index a b
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
1 0 0 0 2 2 3

We can even create a custom plot using the interactions produced by MyEvaluator.


If more than one Environment/Learner is passed to Experiment our custom Evalautor will be called for all combinations.

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(100,seed=[1,2])
lrn = [cb.RandomLearner(seed=1),cb.RandomLearner(seed=2)]
val = MyEvaluator()
environment_id learner_id evaluator_id index a b
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
1 0 0 0 2 2 3
2 0 1 0 1 1 2
3 0 1 0 2 2 3
4 1 0 0 1 1 2
5 1 0 0 2 2 3
6 1 1 0 1 1 2
7 1 1 0 2 2 3

To see how a custom Evaluator might work in practice we will now create an online learning Evaluator.

import coba as cb

class MyOnlineEvaluator:
    def evaluate(self, environment, learner):
        for interaction in
            action,prob = learner.predict(interaction['context'],interaction['actions'])
            reward      = interaction['rewards'](action)
            yield {'reward': reward }

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(200,seed=[1,2])
lrn = [cb.RandomLearner(seed=1),cb.LinUCBLearner()]
val = MyOnlineEvaluator()


Built-in Evaluators

Coba comes with three built-in evaluators:

  1. SequentialCB – sequential on/off-policy learning/evaluation (default evaluator)

  2. RejectionCB – sequential on-policy learning/evaluation using logged data

  3. SequentialIGL – sequential interaction grounded learning/evaluation

On-policy Evaluation without Learning

import coba as cb
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(100,seed=[1,2])
lrn = [cb.RandomLearner(),cb.LinUCBLearner()]
val = cb.SequentialCB(learn=None)

On-policy Learning without Evaluation

import coba as cb
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(200, n_context_features=0, n_action_features=2, seed=1)
lrn = cb.LinUCBLearner(features=[1,'a'])
val = cb.SequentialCB(eval=None)

print("Feature weights have not been learned")


print("Feature weights have been learned")

Feature weights have not been learned

Feature weights have been learned
[ 0.47452277  0.48165662 -0.09730614]

Off-policy Learning using Reward Estimates

import coba as cb
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(200, n_context_features=0, n_action_features=2, seed=1).logged(cb.RandomLearner())
lrn = cb.LinUCBLearner(features=[1,'a'])
val = cb.SequentialCB(learn='dm',eval='on')

Off-policy Learning with On-Policy Evaluation

import coba as cb
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(200, n_context_features=0, n_action_features=2, seed=1).logged(cb.RandomLearner())
lrn = cb.LinUCBLearner(features=[1,'a'])
val = cb.SequentialCB(learn='off',eval='on')

Off-policy Learning with Off-Policy Evaluation

import coba as cb
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(200, n_context_features=0, n_action_features=2, seed=[1,2,3]).logged(cb.RandomLearner())
lrn = cb.LinUCBLearner(features=[1,'a'])
val = cb.SequentialCB(learn='off',eval='ips')