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Coba Learners choose which actions to take in a context and learn from results of those actions. The Learner interface is:

class Learner:
    def score(self, context: Context, actions: Sequence[Action], action:Action) -> float:
        """(Optional) Return the propensity score for the given action."""

    def predict(self, context: Context, actions: Sequence[Action]) -> Action | Tuple[Action,float]:
        """Choose which action to take."""

    def learn(self, context: Context, action: Action, reward: Reward, probability: float, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Learn from the results of an action in a context.""""

The Context and Action type hints are described in more detail in the Interactions notebook.

Minimal Viable Learner

To create a custom on-policy learner we implement two methods in the learner interface: predict and learn.

As an example here we create a learner that randomly chooses actions without learning anything.

In this example we use Coba’s built-in randomization but the random choosing could be implemented using any method.

import coba as cb

class MyRandomLearner:
    def predict(self, context, actions):
        return cb.random.choice(actions)
    def learn(self, context, action, reward, probability):

And that is all, we can now use this learner in an experiment

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(100)
lrn = MyRandomLearner()
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Experiment Started
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Recording Learner 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Recording Evaluator 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Peeking at Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Recording Environment 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Evaluating Learner 0 on Environment 0... (0.02 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:30:23 -- Experiment Finished

Epsilon Bandit Learner

Of course we don’t want to just randomly pick actions so here we implement an a bandit learner using epsilon-greedy exploration

import coba as cb

class MyEpsilonBanditLearner:
    def __init__(self, epsilon,seed=1):
        self._epsilon = epsilon
        self._means   = {}
        self._counts  = {}
        self._rng     = cb.CobaRandom(seed)

    def predict(self, context, actions):
        if set(actions) - self._means.keys():
            return next(iter(actions-self._means.keys()))
        elif self._rng.random() <= self._epsilon:
            return self._rng.choice(actions)
            return max(actions,key=self._means.__getitem__)

    def learn(self, context, action, reward, probability):
        n,m = self._counts.get(action,0),self._means.get(action,0)
        self._counts[action] = n + 1
        self._means[action]  = m + (reward-m)/(n+1)

We can now compare the performance of our epsilon bandit learner to our random learner

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(100,n_context_features=0,n_action_features=0)
lrn = [MyEpsilonBanditLearner(.1), MyRandomLearner()]
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Experiment Started
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Recording Learner 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Recording Evaluator 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Recording Learner 1 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Peeking at Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:22 -- Recording Environment 0 parameters... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:23 -- Evaluating Learner 0 on Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:23 -- Evaluating Learner 1 on Environment 0... (0.0 seconds) (completed)
2024-02-08 14:31:23 -- Experiment Finished

Learner Parameters

To understand what makes our learner work it is useful to keep track of learner parameters. Here we add to our bandit learner.

import coba as cb
#The super class MyEpsilonBanditLearner is defined above
class MyEpsilonBanditLearnerWithParams(MyEpsilonBanditLearner):
    def params(self):
        return {'epsilon': self._epsilon}
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(10_000,n_context_features=0,n_action_features=0,seed=range(10)).noise(reward=(0,.5)).binary()
lrn = [ MyEpsilonBanditLearnerWithParams(e) for e in [0,.01,.1,.5] ]

Recording Probabilities

It can be useful to keep track of the probability of taking actions for this use case probabilities can be returned with actions.

When probabilities are returned from predict the probability will be passed to learn as the probability arg.

import coba as cb

class MyRandomLearnerWithProbabilities:
    def predict(self, context, actions):
        probability = 1/len(actions)
        chosen_act  = cb.random.choice(actions)
        return chosen_act, probability

    def learn(self, context, action, reward, probability):
        #When this is called probability equals the probability returned from predict

See below that we have the probabilities from our learner stored in result.

env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(4,n_action_features=0)
lrn = MyRandomLearnerWithProbabilities()
result = cb.Experiment(env,lrn).run(quiet=True)
environment_id learner_id evaluator_id index action probability reward
0 0 0 0 1 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0] 0.2 0.52699
1 0 0 0 2 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0] 0.2 0.56189
2 0 0 0 3 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0] 0.2 0.48935
3 0 0 0 4 [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0.2 0.53100

Custom Arguments

Some learners require additional information to be shared between predict and learn.

For this use case we support explicitly returning kwargs.

import coba as cb

class MyRandomLearnerWithKwargs:

    def predict(self, context, actions):
        probability = 1/len(actions)
        chosen_act  = cb.random.choice(actions)
        kwargs      = {'kwarg1' : 1, 'item1': 2, 'b': 3}
        return chosen_act, probability, kwargs

    def learn(self, context, action, reward, probability, kwarg1, item1, b):

Score Method

The score method is largely optional. When it is implemented it used in the following ways: 1. It is optional to reduce the variance of IPS off-policy evaluation for discrete action spaces. 2. It is required to perform IPS off-policy evaluation in continuous action spaces. 3. It is required to use the RejectionCB evaluator due to rejection sampling.

import coba as cb

class MyRandomLearnerWithProbabilities:

    def score(self, context, actions, action):
        #this should return the probability of taking `action`
        #given context and actions. In discrete settings action
        #should always be in actions.
        return 1/len(actions)

    def predict(self, context, actions):
        probability = 1/len(actions)
        chosen_act  = cb.random.choice(actions)
        return chosen_act, probability

    def learn(self, context, action, reward, probability):

Advanced Metrics

Coba’s built-in evaluators can track all desired metric for learners using the dictionary at CobaContext.learning_info.

Below we show how to track the current estimated mean for each action as a bandit learner gets observations.

import coba as cb

#The super class MyEpsilonBanditLearner is defined above
class MyEpsilonBanditLearnerWithMetrics(MyEpsilonBanditLearner):
    def learn(self,*args):
env = cb.Environments.from_linear_synthetic(8,n_context_features=0,n_action_features=0,n_actions=2).noise(reward=(0,0.5)).binary()
lrn = MyEpsilonBanditLearnerWithMetrics(.5)
result = cb.Experiment(env,lrn).run(quiet=True)
environment_id learner_id evaluator_id index (0, 1) (1, 0) action reward
0 0 0 0 1 NaN 1.00000 [1, 0] 1
1 0 0 0 2 1.00000 1.00000 [0, 1] 1
2 0 0 0 3 1.00000 1.00000 [0, 1] 1
3 0 0 0 4 1.00000 0.50000 [1, 0] 0
4 0 0 0 5 0.66667 0.50000 [0, 1] 0
5 0 0 0 6 0.66667 0.33333 [1, 0] 0
6 0 0 0 7 0.75000 0.33333 [0, 1] 1
7 0 0 0 8 0.75000 0.50000 [1, 0] 1